Coming-of-age drama series Beyond Black Beauty is produced by the Amazon Studios, Sinking Ship Entertainment and Leif Films in Canada.
The series is released on Family Channel in Canada on March 15, 2024.
La série est lancé le 15 Mars 2024 sur Family Channel au Canada.
Inspired by the novel of the same name, Beyond Black Beauty follows Jolie Dumont, an Olympic-driven equestrian whose journey is halted when her mother moves them from their posh Belgium life to Baltimore.
There Jolie struggles to find roots but as she bonds with an equally spirited horse named Black Beauty, and learns to embrace her family’s ranch, where Black cowboys have been entrenched in their DNA for over a century.
Here is the first trailer / Ici la nouvelle bande-annonce
Created by / crée par:
Pilar Golden
The series is produced by / La série est produite par:
Amazon Studios
Sinking Ship Entertainment
Leif Films
I worked on 7 episodes / J'ai travaillé sur 7 épisodes.